Site Inspection Report

1. Date of Inspection:____________

2. Guardian Name:____________________

3. Crested Saguaro Name:_______________ 4. CSS ID#:____________

Threat Status
5a. High:[] 5b. Medium:[] 5c. Low:[]

Microship Status
6a. Active:[] 6b. Recommended:[] 6c. Not Recommended:[]

7. GPS Location:__________________________

8. Narrative Description of Location:______________________________

Observations - Cactus changes since last visit:
9a. No Change:[] 9b. Missing:[] 9c. Fallen:[]
9d. Damages (natural caused):[] 9e. Damaged (human caused):[]
9f. Narrative Description of damage:_____________________________________

Observations - Habitat changes since last visit:
10a. No Change:[] 10b. Damaged (natural causes):[]
10c. Damaged (human caused):[] 10d. Encroachment:[]
10e. Narrative Description of Damage or Enroachment:________________________________________

11a. Attached:[] 11b. Not Attached:[]

Additional Comments: