Crested Saguaro #752 in Pinal County, AZ

"Box Canyon Crest"

For photos of this crested saguaro when it was still standing, see this Photo Gallery on the Geocaching web site.

Telephoto from 1 mile away -- trunk of crested saguaro has broken in zig-zag shape, and crest is held by two arms of adjacent saguaro.
IMG_101_0390_mod (02-17-2013) Photo courtesy of Joe Orman

9 Years Later - stump on left side of photo is all that remains of crested saguaro
SX50_IMG_37257_mod (12-04-2021) Photo courtesy of Joe Orman

AZ g=?" h-?'(w=?'+w=?')/4
= ?
"Box Canyon Crest"
Joe Orman02-17-2013(w=?"+h=?)
=? Standing

?g h(w+w)/4
=xxx ??(w+h+d)
=? ?
?g h(w+w)/4
=xxx ??(w+h+d)
=? ?