"Crested Fishook Pincushion Cactus"

Click on the "Photo", "crest-#" or "#-name" below to see that Crested Fishook Cactus
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1-Pin Cushion | 2-Spur Cross | 3-CFAZMC003 | 4-CFAZPM004 | 5-CFAZPN005 | 6-CFAZPN006 | 7-CFCASD007 | 8-CFCASD008 |                 
9-CFCASD009 | 10-CFCASD010 | 11-CFCASD011 | 12-CFCASD012 | 13-CFCASD013 | 14-CFCASD014 | 15-CFCASD015 |
16-CFCASD016 | 17-CFCASD017 | 18-CFCASD018 | 19-CFCASD019 | 20-CFCASD020 | 21-CFCASD021 | 22-CFCASD022 |
23-CFCASD023 | 24-CFCASD024 | 25-CFCASD025 | 26-CFCASD026 | 27-CFCASD027 | 21-CFCASD028 | 29-CFCASD029 |
30-CFCASD030 | 31-CFCASD031 | 32-CFCASD032 | 32-CFCASD033 | 34-CFCASD034 | 35-CFCASD035 | 36-CFCASD036 |
37-CFCASD037 | 38-CFCASD038 | 39-CFCASD039 | 40-CFCASD040 | 41-CFCASD041 | 42-CFCASD042 | 43-CFCASD043 |
44-CFCASD044 | 45-CFCASD045 | 46-CFCASD046 | 47-CFCASD047 | 48-CFCASD048 | 49-CFCASD049 | 50-CFCASD050 |
51-CFCASD051 | 52-CFCASD052 | 53-CFCASD053 | 54-CFCASD054 | 55-CFCASD055 | 56-CFCASD056 | 57-CFCASD057 |
58-CFCASD058 | 59-CFCASD059 | 60-CFCASD060 | 61-CFCASD061 | 62-CFCASD062 |

A low, cylindrical cactus with one or many thick-clustered stems grows to 6 inches high.
Many hooked spines, 1/2-inch long at the tips of the cactus, are surrounded by numerous,
straight, tan-to-pink ones. The Fishhook Pincushion Cactus has extended, smooth, red fruit 1/2 to
1 inches long. Not to be confused with the Fishhook Barrel Cactus (Ferocactus wislizenii)
of the Chihuahuan Desert. Also called: "Pincushion Cactus", "Corkseed Cactus",
"Nipple Cactus", "Fishhook Mammillaria", "Cabeza del Viejo"
When they flower, flowers are arranged like a small ring or halo just below the top

"Crested Fishhook Pincushion Cactus" section count & photo count totals
Fishook Pincushion Published=62Photos Published=80